For Poster Exhibitors

Please note that this site is continuously updated.

Poster Exhibition

WASP PhD students and postdocs have the opportunity to present their research to other attending researchers and company/public sector representatives in a poster exhibition. This gives you an informal opportunity to network and gain new connections for your future worklife.

Please note that there are a limited number of poster spots. Selection of the poster presentations will be on first come first served basis.
  • WASP-branded poster templates are available in PowerPoint and LaTex. You find them at the WASP Intranet.
  • The poster should be printed in A1 format, portrait.
  • Please bring a printed poster. It will not be possible to print it at the conference venue.
  • Hand in your printed poster at the registration on October 24, 08:30-10:25.

Time and Location

Please be at your poster at 17:45-19:00 on October 24.

For questions regarding the poster exhibition, please contact: