
Venue: Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm

We are moving fast and the program will be updated.

Thursday October 24

Chair: Anders Ynnerman (WASP Program Director)

08.30 Registration and coffee

09.30 Conference opening
Marcus Wallenberg (Wallenberg Investments)

09.45 Sweden and AI

10.00 The Swedish AI Commission
Carl-Henric Svanberg (The Swedish AI Commission)

10.25 Coffee break

10.50 Panel: Closing the Gap Between Industry and Academia in the Accelerated AI landscape
Chair: Erik Ekudden (Ericsson)
Karin Stacke (Sectra), Christoffer Petersson (Zenseact), Stas Krupenia (Scania) and Daniel Akenine (Microsoft)

11.35 Fireside chat: How to Successfully Build and Maintain Industrial Research Departments
Salla Franzén (Navigare Ventures) and Gustav Söderström (Spotify)

12.00 TBD

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Workshop session 1
Workshop schedule

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Workshop session 2
Workshop schedule

17.45 Poster and WARA-exhibition

19.00 Dinner at Clarion Sign Hotel, Banquetting Hall

Friday October 25

Chair: Amy Loutfi (WASP Co-director)

09.15 Reflections from First Day – Key Outcomes from Workshops
Amy Loutfi (WASP Co-director)

09.50 AI-Enhanced Workflows in Creative Industries
Johanna Björklund (Project Manager WARA Media & Language)

10.25 Coffee break

11.00 WASP Generated Competence as a Catalyst for AI Readiness, Strategy 2031
Fredrik Heintz (WASP Graduate School Co-director)

11.25 Panel: Enacting the AI Agenda

12.10 Lunch